Articles on: Booking A Parking Space

Who's responsible for the FOB/Key?

For added security and peace of mind, some of our parking spaces require a key or FOB to gain access. Once the booker receives the key or FOB, they are held responsible for its safekeeping.

In the event a FOB/Key is damaged, lost or not returned to the lister after the booking duration has expired, Wayleadr Go reserves the right to charge the booker the full cost of replacing the FOB/Key. This charge is €200.

A booker will have 7 days after a booking has expired to return the FOB/Key to either the lister, Wayleadr Go or a third-party hired to collect/deliver the FOB/Key.

It is the booker’s responsibility to ensure the FOB/Key is returned in the same condition it is found, and within the agreed timeframe as set out in our terms and conditions.

If you have been charged for a FOB/Key replacement and wish to discuss this, please email

Updated on: 06/02/2024

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